Monday 9 February 2009

When I was thinking about my world I tried to think about what I did or had that was individual, that no one else had in their world. 
I have three tattoos, all individual and personal to me. Each one represents a different point in my life. 
I decided to do a shoot based on body art, or manipulation but it is hard to find enough people for this kind of shoot. Instead I projected a variety of different patterns onto my models body to show the art. Below are a few images from the shoot.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah

    I think you need to try to finish your ideas rather start a new one in the last week. The previous two projects/ideas -- multiples on drinkers and the portraits with family/friends pictures -- I think had more energy than the tattoo projects. Equally you probably could have gone and taken more images on these projects. One of the keys of being a practising photographer is the ability to redo and revisit. So have a good look at your previous ideas and present the most successful.

