Thursday 5 February 2009

I researched William Eggleston for the 'representing your world' project. I'm a huge fan of Egglestons work, his simple approach, his use of colour, his work really stands out. Photographer Raymond Moore once said 'he looks at the everyday and overlooked to reveal them as remarkable'. I tried this approach, I wanted to highlight the smaller details, those everyday object that are overlooked. I went for a more minimalist approach to this shoot, instead of the clutter and overall business of life Eggleston focuses on. 

Untitled from the series 'Troubled Waters'

His work shows everyday life but in ways you don't normally see it. For example Eggleston has shown this picture using a 'worms eye view', an angle you would not necessarily think to view from! 
His work influenced me with the next few images I have put up.

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