Monday 9 February 2009

When I was thinking about my world I tried to think about what I did or had that was individual, that no one else had in their world. 
I have three tattoos, all individual and personal to me. Each one represents a different point in my life. 
I decided to do a shoot based on body art, or manipulation but it is hard to find enough people for this kind of shoot. Instead I projected a variety of different patterns onto my models body to show the art. Below are a few images from the shoot.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Thursday 5 February 2009

This is a contact sheet of the shoot 'Student life'. A lot of the student life style is about drinking! Instead of showing social drinking I wanted to make a more controlled shoot to show this side of life. I asked some friends to have 10 shots, one after the other so I could record their reactions. I also did this for my last project but it didn't work out so well. So this time I have changed a few things to make it work better. This is a true indication of student life and representing my world.
I researched William Eggleston for the 'representing your world' project. I'm a huge fan of Egglestons work, his simple approach, his use of colour, his work really stands out. Photographer Raymond Moore once said 'he looks at the everyday and overlooked to reveal them as remarkable'. I tried this approach, I wanted to highlight the smaller details, those everyday object that are overlooked. I went for a more minimalist approach to this shoot, instead of the clutter and overall business of life Eggleston focuses on. 

Untitled from the series 'Troubled Waters'

His work shows everyday life but in ways you don't normally see it. For example Eggleston has shown this picture using a 'worms eye view', an angle you would not necessarily think to view from! 
His work influenced me with the next few images I have put up.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

One of the many mistakes.

Although this wasn't a genuine mistake I did get the idea from the mistake almost occuring! Along with student life comes a LOT of mess, beer cans, fag butts and food remains. I used the 'worms eye view' technique Eggleston used for his Untitled image shown above.