Tuesday 27 January 2009

Not knowing who you are.

Unfortunately I couldn't upload the first in the series. 
This series is about getting into a routine, especially when you first get to Uni. When I first got to University I was unsure of who I was, where I was or what I was suppose to be doing. This is my interpretation of a morning routine when you wake up and you don't know who you are. This could be because I hadn't got use to waking up in a new room or a new City! 
The series shows 'me' waking up, putting on clothes and going to the bathroom. The features have been taken out to illustrate not knowing who I was.

Friday 23 January 2009

This is what I see every day outside my halls while waiting for friends to walk to Uni. I photographed this at night using the street lighting. I see little details like this dotted around the city. Instead of showing the whole picture I wanted to concentrate more on the small aspects, highlighting more of what people don't see.

Thursday 22 January 2009

My friends play a huge part in my life, so representing my world should include them. Instead of just portraits I wanted to show what we would do for fun. This shows fire breathing or 'spitting fire' which is something that my friends like to do (I haven't quite managed it yet!).